In 2005 I started experiencing some pretty serious health issues, which started with Diabetes (Type 2). Well I should say my health issues began 10 years sooner than that with heartburn and I was just thrown medication rather than helping me understand that it was from how I was eating, but I digress LOL.
Over the years I was thrown medication and told I had high cholesterol, was just depressed and dealing with anxiety all the while dealing with severe issues of fatigue, brain fog, my hair falling out and beyond. I was weak and exhausted and finally in 2012 was told I had hypothyroidism on top of everything else. Turns out all of my health issues were inter-linked and fully connected to "what" and "how" I was eating.
These health issues are what led me to start Network Marketing - weird right? LOL
At the end of the day I just needed a solution! Isn't that the amazing part about Network Marketing? They offer solutions in so many different areas.
Long story short - I found myself again!
I created healthy habits, went off ALL medication, and to this day I feel amazing and continue to use the products and programs that changed my life.
The other part of my story comes down to the hours I worked. Hubby and I opened a mortgage company together in 2003 and we grew such an amazing business together, but that all changed when we had kids. We were faced with a difficult decision - Who would stay home with them?
Hubby handled the day to day, which he could do from home but I carried the license to meet with clients so the burden fell on me. Don't get me wrong I was incredibly thankful we had the option for one of us to stay home, but I'm there mom! I missed so many memories and I cried daily at my desk thinking about my family being home without me.
Network Marketing is where my vision started in 2017. I found that it gave me a voice behind the thyroid disease I faced and had learned so much about. It gave me a platform to share my story, but over time I found I was not a fan of the tactics taught and found myself wanting to go a different direction - that direction was digital marketing.
I created my first course in 2017 in the hypothyroid space sharing what I learn and I was HOOKED!!! I haven't looked back since!
I now work from home where I help other women with both their health AND their business. I built a personal brand with marketing, funnels, and sharing value and resources with my audience in the hypothyroid space.
Now I have 2 brands. I've added a business brand to share my strategies and help others build a business they can be crazy proud of and help them uncover the best versions of themselves along the way.