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How To Create A Recruiting Funnel - Network Marketing Secrets Revealed - Episode 109

December 16, 20220 min read

How To Create A Recruiting Funnel - Network Marketing Secrets Revealed - Episode 109

Read full article here >>>>

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Sue Peters - The Digital Diva

Hey there, I'm Sue - Nice to meet you! Here's a little about me: I'm an Entrepreneur who began this online business thing starting with Network Marketing. I quickly realized there had to be a better way to provide value, build my business, and make an income that didn't include the "Hey Girl" strategies. I built my first course in 2017 and I fell in love with the digital space and now I help other ambitious women create online income so they can spend more time doing what they love!

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Resources that will help you rock your biz...


The List Building Bootcamp - Learn More

If you don't have a list - you don't have a business! It's actually that simple. You need a list of people to connect to and that does NOT mean DM's. You don't own social media and you can't control what happens there, but you do own your list! It's the foundation every business needs. (YES even network marketing!). Grab the A-Z course that will help you learn and setup everything you need for email marketing.

Launch Accelerator

30 Social Media Content Ideas - Learn More

FREE: Ever feel lost on what to post? Let alone what to post in order to attract the right people and make sales. This is why I created the 30+ Social Media Content Ideas resource for you! I know what it's like to stare at your phone or computer feeling lost on what to post. Use this as your guide to create content that converts!


The Magnetic Formula - Learn More

FREE: I'm absolutely love with Network Marketing - but I'm not in love with the typical strategies that give our industry a bad name. Learn to prospect and find customers by uncovering your voice so you can attract those who are likely to turn to customers or teammates.


The Prospecting Blueprint - Learn More

Ever wonder how the top of the industry recruit consistently? It's definitely NOT by making a list of 100 or living in their DM's.

I created this masterclass to give you a full blueprint in how to build your Network Marketing business without the "Hey Girl" strategies but rather with REAL marketing strategies. It's less complicated than you might think, but it DOES take the right resources and mindset to get the job done.

Launch Accelerator

35 Days of Trello Templates - Learn More

FREE: Create a social media posting plan with Trello. This is such an incredible resource to create a schedule for your content. I put together 35 days of complete templates for you using Canva, You get all the canva templates AND the full Trello board. AND as a bonus I also included 35 days of reels with ideas on how to use them.

Launch Accelerator

DFY Funnels & Website - Learn More

For the super busy Entrepreneurs out there or those who are ready to launch FAST, I created the Done-For-You Launch Accelerator.

I've done the hard work and have built out marketing funnels and website templates to help you launch your business right out of the gate. You'll use the same platform I use for all of my digital products - it was created for Network Marketers and is pretty incredible - not to mention affordable and will have everything you need to build your business from here forward!

Launch Accelerator

100+ Captivating Hooks - Learn More

FREE: You have about 3 seconds to capture the attention of your audience and that's done by your visual (the photo or video) and by your HOOK. Without a good hook your reader won't be curious and want to read more. Grab their attention using one of my captivating hooks that you can use for any of your content.


The Unlimited Leads Camp - Learn More

Get access to the Ultimate strategy for finding the best leads; people who actually WANT to buy from you. I'll walk you through step by step in how to create the perfect lead magnet your audience will be dying to get their hands on.

your lead generation foundation - the list building bootcamp

Join me on SOCIAL

over 100 hook ideas that get attention

magnetic prospecting formula


the prospecting playbook

dfy trello content board

the unlimited leads camp

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Digital Diva - Sue Peters

Helping Entrepreneurs Find Freedom And Wealth Through Value, Integrity, and Real Marketing Strategies.